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Résumé de la présentation

In this forward-thinking session, participants will delve into the intersection of concrete and carbon reduction, focusing on sustainable construction technologies that are shaping the future of the industry. Expert speakers will discuss innovative materials and methods that reduce the carbon footprint of concrete production and construction processes. Topics will include the use of alternative cements, carbon capture techniques, and sustainable construction practices. Attendees will gain insights into the latest advancements and how they can contribute to more environmentally responsible construction projects.

Who's Presenting

Qui présente



In this forward-thinking session, participants will delve into the intersection of concrete and carbon reduction, focusing on sustainable construction technologies that are shaping the future of the industry. Expert speakers will discuss innovative materials and methods that reduce the carbon footprint of concrete production and construction processes. Topics will include the use of alternative cements, carbon capture techniques, and sustainable construction practices. Attendees will gain insights into the latest advancements and how they can contribute to more environmentally responsible construction projects.

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